Passing the 6-Second Resume Test

How do you find out if your resume is good enough to get through the 6-second test?

In today’s world, almost everyone seems to run out of time and so are recruiters and hiring managers. Making your resume clear and simple will be a great way to support them in making the right decisions.

Many studies have shown that recruiting managers on an average go through a resume in 6-8 seconds before deciding whether the applicant is suitable for the job0. Therefore, when they review your resume, the first 6 seconds will have to give them the right picture of your personality through a resume format that can engage their interest.

To know whether your resume will be passing the 6-second test, try asking yourself the questions below:

Have I Received Responses to Online Job Application Submissions?

If you have applied for jobs that suit your qualifications and don’t receive responses as expected, the chances are that there may be some changes that need to happen in your resume. If this is the situation you are in, getting help from a professional resume writer would be ideal without eliminating possible career opportunities. Did you know that over 93% of hiring managers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan candidate job applications? You need to pass the ATS keyword scans before it finally ends up on the screen or desk of a hiring manager. If your resume is not prepared and focused on passing the ATS, there is a high chance your resume might get eliminated from contention for a position opening and sent to the resume black hole.

Will a Recruiter Contact Me for a Specific Position I Would be Interested In?

If recruiters often contact, you regarding job opportunities that you have no interest in it is time for you to re-think the message your resume is delivering to them. In a situation like this, your resume may have failed to state your vision or goals clearly.

A standard resume is always prepared with a specific job goal in mind. Your resume should not only focus targeted jobs, but it should also deliver all your qualifications in just one frame. If you are thinking of changing your career path and getting aligned to a field you haven’t touched for years, or you plan on taking your present career to a whole new level, your resume will need to be refreshed to support your new vision.

Will My Resume Qualify the Stranger Test?

Randomly pick a stranger to go through your resume for a time limit of not more than 30 seconds and requesting them to specify your qualifications and job goals. If the stranger is able to state them clearly, then you would know that your resume is giving the right vibes that can attract the correct audience. Suppose the stranger is unable to describe them, you might want to look into making adjustments based on their feedback.

Is My Resume Optimized with the Right Keywords?

Although career paths differ from another, all of them have their very own range of words to suit the specific field. The applicant tracking system is being specially programmed to track these particular words to rank your job application to verify if you would be suitable for an open position. If you want your resume to pass through, including keywords that are relevant to the job description is very important. If you are not sure on what keywords you need to use, email us and we can provide a free resume evaluation that will give you an idea of how you can position yourself better.

Am I Describing My Achievements?

Depending on the words you use on your resume you may express yourself as a “doer” rather than an “achiever.” This is a common mistake that many resume writers and employers are on the lookout for so, as it can describe your entire career differently. Take another look at how you mentioned your work experience and keep in mind that you got to focus more towards your achievements rather than expressing what you have been assigned to do. If you feel that you may not be good enough to produce the best content to describe your achievements well, you could always get help from a professional resume writer like us, and we can walk you through all the necessary steps of a successful job hunt.

Does My Resume Match the Digital Foot Print?

Having only a killer resume is not enough to win an interview. Employers also wish to see the same consistency of your work experience and achievements mentioned on your social platforms too. Did you know that around 93% of hiring managers would first go through your online existence before deciding to call you up for an interview?

In addition to your resume, it’s vital to maintain an online presence that elaborates your vibrant personality. If you are not sure how you could state your qualifications and achievements to attract hiring managers, seek our professional guidance, and we are here to help.

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