We all know how precious your time is and getting the most out of your day is a challenge.

Gathering all your essential details and deciding what goes into a resume is a task that could take many hours out of your day. However, it’s also encouraging to know that building a professional resume can be done quicker than you think. There’s quite a lot you could achieve in just a few minutes and all you have to do is plan out your day well. Read below to find a few tips to help you prepare a perfect resume in a few minutes.

Early Bird Catch

Waking up early with a fresh mind is a way of getting half of your work done. Preparing your day by starting with a warm cup of coffee or going to the gym will help you get active and boost your brain. This will further activate creative thinking and problem-solving functions in your brain that can help you be more focused while writing your resume. Once you find a comfortable spot with no distractions, think of all your personal and career achievements and performances that line up with your skill set and write them down on a word pad.

Be Mindful of Your Time

Instead of searching for jobs and spending precious hours of your morning, it’s better to identify your transferable skills, accomplishments and experience so you can work on applying for jobs in the evening before bed. Do your search of relevant jobs that would fit your skill-set during the night and make sure to prepare your resume according to each specific job title.

Get Help from Social Media

Spend time in your social channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to gather what people say about you. Professional networking online or in person are built to help seasoned professionals identify their strengths through their peer endorsements so, have your current/former managers and/or co-workers critique your skill-set.

The Resume Writing Process

Start writing the resume by incorporating your professional skills with job descriptions while adding keywords that are missing in your resume. Add a summary section that includes your skills, measurable results, accomplishments so a hiring manager can get a sneak peak at your career by reading the first few lines of your resume.

Key Accomplishments

Listing professional accomplishments is key when making every employer want to hire you for their open position. If you create a section for achievements, accomplishments, and awards in your resume, you’ll get a hiring manager or a recruiter’s attention right away by showing them how well you performed at your past or current role. Here is a list of wins employers expect to see on your resume:

Professional Experience Section

After you’ve uncovered your most important skills, and experiences with each position, you should list them in an easy-to-read format. Each section should include the name of your employer, job title, month and year when you started and concluded employment with three to four bullet points discussing the strongest and most relevant accomplishments.


Spend a few minutes to go through all the information you put down and look for grammar, spelling and sentence structure errors.

Need an Extra Pairs of Eyes to Check Your Work?

Now that you have a powerful resume, it’s time to get a second opinion from a professional resume writer. Send us your resume for a free resume evaluation, and we’ll help you find meaningful employment fast.

Let's Upload Your Resume to Get Free Review!

After the Resume upload, you can schedule a call with one of our resume experts.

(Only pdf, doc, docx, and text files are allowed to upload)

By sending us your resume, you will enable us to contact you through the email address and phone number you are providing.

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